Standards und Abkürzungen 

im Papierbereich

Standard-Messmethoden, Testparameter und Maßeinheiten:

Eigenschaft Einheit Standard Methode
Grammatur oder Papier-Gewicht  g/m2 DIN EN 20 536
Dicke μm ISO 534
Volumen cm3/g ISO 534
Dichte g/cm3 ISO 534, DIN EN
Helligkeit ISO
Helligkeit D65
Helligkeit nache TAPPI
ISO 2470
keine Norm
T 452
CIE- Weiße (C/2°)
CIE- Weiße (D65/10°)
- ISO 11 476
ISO 11 475
Farbort: L*, a*, b* (C/2°)
L*, a*, b* (D65/10°)
L*, a*, b* (C/2°) TAPPI
ISO 5631
DIN 6174
T 524
Opazität (Tappi) %
ISO 2471
T 425
Glanz, Hunter
Glanz, Lehmann
ISO 8254-1
ISO 8254-2
Glätte/ Rauigkeit 
Bendtsen 1.47 kPa


ISO 5827
ISO 8791-2
ISO 8791-4
Feuchtigkeit % ISO 287


gestrichene Papiere

WFC  wood-free coated paper
MWC medium-weight mechanical coated paper
LWC light-weight mechanical coated paper
LWC machine finished mechanical coated paper


ungestrichene Papiere

WFU uncoated wood-free paper
SC super-calendered wood-free or mechanical paper
MFS machine-finished special paper



CIE Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage = International Lightning Commission
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung
CFS coated free sheet
CGW coated groundwood
FWA fluorescence whitening agent
IGT Institute for Graphic Technology
ISIT ink surface interaction test
ISO International Standardization Organization
K Kelvin
LWC light-weight coated
MFC machine finished coated
MFS machine finished speciality
MWC medium-weight coated
OBA optical brightening agent
PPI pages per inch
PPS Parker Print-Surf
SC super calendered
TAPPI Technical Association for the world-wide Pulp, Paper and converting Industry
UFS uncoated free sheet
UGW uncoated groundwood
UV ultraviolet
WFC wood-free coated
WFU wood-free uncoated


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